Žymų Archyvai: Ansell-Pearson

Pokalbis su Keithu Ansellu-Pearsonu

pagal | 2016 01 18

Pokalbis su britų filosofu Keithu Ansellu-Pearsonu. – K. Ansellas-Pearsonas yra filosofijos profesorius Varviko universitete. Specializuojasi modernioje Europos filosofijoje, ypač Nietzsche’s, Bergsono, Deleuze’o filosofijose. Parašė reikšmingų darbų apie Nietzschę: Nietzsche contra Rousseau (CUP 1991), An Introduction to Nietzsche as Political Thinker (CUP, 1994), Viroid Life: Perspectives on Nietzsche and the Transhuman Condition (Routledge, 1997), How To… Skaityti toliau »

Interview with Keith Ansell-Pearson

pagal | 2016 01 17

Interview with British philosopher Keith Ansell-Pearson. –   Andrius Bielskis: Let me start from a slightly ‘personal’ question: what prompted you to study philosophy? What were the reasons why you chose philosophy as your major? Who were your philosophy teachers that influenced your philosophical thinking and taste the most? What was it like to study… Skaityti toliau »